Monday, January 28, 2008

No garden in 2008 - Maybe

I may not be able to plant a garden in 2008. Want to guess why? Yes that's right, the landlord. I heard from the next door neighbor, Kirk, that the landlord told him that he thinks our garden is a "Tax Liability" What the hell does that mean? It's got me pissed off. I hate this guy like Nixon hated Woodward and Bernstein. It looks like this bastard will tell us that we can't have a garden this year. I seem to remember him saying something to Kathy last summer to the effect of "I don't know if we are going to do a garden next year." What do you mean we? All you do around here is charge rent and complain. His latest act of idiocy is to send out letters complaining of debris. Get this: The debris that seems to be in contention is stuff that was laying around when Kathy moved in. We stacked it up and Kathy even told him about and suggested that he send some of his illegal Mexican workers around to pick it up. He didn't. Now he is threatening to charge to pick it up. The place was a mess and quite frankly I don't think it would pass a building inspection. She should have demand to see the Certificate of Occupancy. This whole trash and debris thing comes from the people who build a gigantic, ostentatious house next door and put it up for sale. It won't sell but that is because they built it in "The Slums of New Egypt." Most of the houses in this neighborhood are tiny, crackerboxes are poorly maintained and are rented out to the landlords aforementioned illegal aliens. Yes, he owns pretty much the whole neighborhood.The people who built the McMansion actually seem to live in it from time to time. I can guess that they have another house in Philadelphia or someplace. They sure won't be accused of being friendly. They may either be afraid of the neighbors or are just unfriendly jerks. Most likely the latter. In any case they complained that they can't sell their white elephant because of the disheveled state of the neighboring yards. The other house next to them looks like Fred Sanford's place but it's privately owned, not rented. Good for them. Also, as anyone over 10 and who isn't mentally retarded knows the housing market is crap right now too. In any case I plan to do a lot of container gardening and plant some spices that can be harvested early. We are actively looking for another place so we can tell Jerko Landlord what a jerk his and what he can do with his tax liability and his piece of crap house. That's all for now. Stay tuned.

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