Saturday, December 19, 2009

Pictures from '07 and '08

A side bed that where I attempted to grow corn on '08. Too much shade and too many pests made for an almost total failure.

The rain barrel. It filled up completely during one particularly rainy weekend.

Grass. See I actually can grow grass if I want to. I planted it to cover up a particularly bare spot adjacent to the main garden.

A strawberry blossom.

Chicken wire being used to keep pests off spinach.

Spuds. You can see that the All Blues actually have bluish foliage.

Notice the bean plants at the left. I later constructed a trellis which these plants climbed. They met another set of climbing beans in the middle over the center isle.

The "lawn" next to the main garden. Here you can see the violets ("boogers") that spread uncontrollably and caused me no end of aggravation trying to remove them when cultivating the soil.

Here we see "muleweed." It looked like horseradish, spread like horseradish but the tuberous roots, which were shaped like horseradish roots, had no heat and were yellowish. Horseradish is white.

Grapes. They were growing there when we moved in. They produced tint red grapes which weren't much good because of either lack of cultivation or because they were too old.

My technique of killing the weeds and grass by laying a tarp on the ground for a prolonged period. This is one of the side gardens where I grew spaghetti squash.


Broccoli Raab

Limas and wax Beans which were devoured by some animal before they could mature.

Potato flowers.

Snowpeas and Sugar Snap Peas.

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